Home is Where M♥M is

I was thinking of a best homepage quotation when I was creating the TheCrazyCozyMom website. And then this came to my mind:
“Home is Where Mom is.“
At that moment, I knew I found the perfect quote to use on my HOMEpage because when we say or think of the word MOM – it always feels Home.
There are a lot of times when I struggle with mommahood. Juggling work, chores, playing the roles of a wife, mom, sister, daughter, and friend, can be tough. I still get overwhelmed most of the time. And when I reach my boiling point – I’m a hot mess!

Mommahood is not always about glitter and sparkle, sometimes it also has those gloomy and dark days. And during those days, the hours feel slow and dragging and filled with exhaustion, short tempers, and annoyed sighs – often my own.
But it is also during these times when my daughter amazes me.
I am blown away by how she, at her young age, would…
Say sweet things when I’m sad.
Still choose to give me a big hug even when I’m mad.
Wipe my tears and make silly faces to make me happy when I’m down.
Accept my apologies gracefully and lovingly when I let her down.
Smile and say she misses me even when I come home empty-handed.
Never hold any grudges and Still say I Love You after being scolded.
And it is when I’m at my darkest, that I am constantly reminded that it’s our Little Ones who truly know how to love unconditionally – even at my most unlovely, give without expecting in return, be slow to judge, and quick to forgive. It is also them who make us feel at home when we’re lost and teach us so much about life even though they are still very small.
I hope and pray that in return, my daughter will always find a home in me. That even when she gets old she would still yearn for Mommy’s tender loving care.
May she always find solace in knowing that wherever I am, she has a home. And that wherever I am, she may find genuine happiness, sweet memories, love, comfort, understanding, and compassion. That when she goes out in the world to pursue her dreams, face her fears, and live her life, she’ll have a safe haven that will give inner peace and solitude.
I pray that she may always find home where Mommy is.♥
P.S. Happy Mother’s Day to all CrazyCozyMommas! And Congratulations to all the Mommas who won our Mother’s Day Giveaway promo!♥