The Best Time of the Year to Put Your Christmas Tree Up

🎶 Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree, how lovely are thy branches!
Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year! And for most, it is a time of magic and cheers; of quality family time and festivities. But have you ever wondered when’s the best and right time, to put up your Christmas tree? I do too!
Christmas Tree
Christmas tree, as described in Britannica, an evergreen tree, often a pine or a fir, decorated with lights and ornaments is used as a part of Christmas festivities. In some countries, Christmas trees can be fresh-cut or potted, but in our country, we often use artificial ones and the color of the tree varies from green to white, blue, and if I get lucky it can be seen in the shade of my favorite color – Pink! And these lovely trees can be both utilized as indoor and outdoor embellishments.
The History of Christmas Tree
The history of Christmas trees begins from the symbolic use of evergreens, which symbolizes eternal life, in ancient Egypt and Rome. The Christmas tree was popularized in the mid-19th century by German-born Prince Albert, husband of Queen Victoria. The Victorian tree was embellished with toys, small gifts, candles, candies, popcorn strings, and fancy cakes hung from the branches by ribbons and by paper chains. This tradition was then adopted in North America by German settlers as early as the 17th century, then Christmas trees became the highlight of fashion by the 19th century. (

Christmas Tree in the Philippines
According to historians, it was believed that the concept of the Christmas tree was brought to the Philippines in 1886 by Jose Rizal after he traveled in Europe and the United States of America. In a compilation of Hans Christian Andersen tales, written in Rizal’s legible hand, “Ang Puno ng Pino,” the sad tale of a little fir tree, is illustrated with two spot drawings of a Christmas tree. In fact, in one of his letters to his sister Neneng (Saturnina), he narrated the Christmas traditions he encountered in Spain and Germany, particularly on how they intricately decorate a Christmas tree with tinsel, paper, lights, dolls, candy, fruits, dainties, and the like. However, the Christmas tree only became famous in the country when the Americans came in the 1900s. Nowadays, the Christmas tree is the highlight of the Filipino homes during this season and Filipinos are getting even more creative in decorating their trees.
Decorating Our Christmas Tree
I have always been fascinated by putting up and adorning the Christmas tree, but it’s a whole lot different when you decorate it with your child. My sisters and I would usually set up the tree in November, but I remember the first Christmas tree that my daughter and I set up and it was way more magical! We came up with a Frozen-themed Christmas tree in 2019 and made DIY Christmas balls using my daughter’s Frozen miniature characters! Ohh, how I love that one!
And this year, my daughter and I put up a lovely pink, Sweets-themed Christmas tree with donuts, ice creams, and cakes! We had so much wonderful time decorating this tree, plus the ornaments smell sweet too! Yum!

The Big Question
So when should we really put our Christmas trees up? Now, this is a bit tricky because traditionally, Germans wouldn’t put up Christmas decorations until the last possible minute and quite often on Christmas Eve. The Americans, on the other hand, start decorating their houses and trees with Christmas ornaments during or after Thanksgiving. And if traditions from the Western countries are telling us that November is too early to put up Christmas decorations, well then my country, the Philippines, says otherwise!
The Christmas season in our country commences on September 1, which marks the beginning of what we fondly call, the “BER months”. The first day when you’ll start hearing Christmas songs being played on the television, radio, and even in the malls! It is also in September that most Filipinos start decorating their homes and Christmas trees with ornaments and lights. These decorations usually stay up until January, that is why it is also believed that Filipinos celebrate the Christmas season the longest.
So, it is safe to say that it doesn’t really matter whether you start putting up a tree early in September or even as late as Christmas eve. You can put it up whenever you feel like it! (Yes, I am guilty!) What truly matters is the joy this tradition and season makes you feel and how it brings family and friends together, – I believe that’s what Christmas is all about. Plus, decorating your home early can spike that feel-good hormone, dopamine, which can make you instantly and insanely happy! And we would kill anything to be happy amidst the craziness that’s been going on, right?
And this pandemic has been putting a lot of Christmas festivities on hold, but putting up a Christmas tree is an exception! It is always a fun and memorable activity you get to share with your kids during these times. And, oh, that glow in their eyes after lighting up your tree speaks a thousand words and makes it all worth it.
Merry Christmas, lovely mommas! Breathe in the Christmas air and enjoy the holidays!♥