Love Yourself, Woman!

Women, they say, are complicated beings.
We are also believed to be vulnerable, emotional, soft-hearted, and sometimes inferior to men. And these are some of the reasons why women in history (and even today), fought hard to gain cultural, political, and socioeconomic rights.
But despite all these being frequently thrown at us, I believe that women are invincible, passionate, resilient, loving, driven, beautiful, graceful, tenacious, and even powerful!
And You, (Yes, you!) need to start believing in these too! And that you are more than just a pretty face, – you have a huge heart and mind to match it. Believe that no matter what, you are beautiful in your own way. And that you are worthy of all the good things you desire. And know that you can do anything if you put your heart and mind to it.
So, if accepting and loving yourself is news to you, perhaps we can start with baby steps and practice self-love one day at a time. Hence, I created this 30-Day Self-Love Challenge!
The 30-Day Self-Love Challenge: The Blueprint
This challenge is for all women, especially moms who need to be reminded that they deserve some lovin’ too! I made a Self-Love Challenge sheet for you to use as your guide. There will be a new task every day, for the next 30 days. Some challenges are bigger or smaller than others, so if you need to take more than one day to complete them, that’s perfectly okay.
I understand that no day is similar, some days may be less or busier than others. So, just work through it at your own pace. The most important thing is that you take on each challenge to help you build your sense of self-love. I recommend that you download and print the sheet to easily track the tasks you have already completed. I have made the tasks easy because – baby steps, right?
Share it with your friends too and motivate them to take on the challenge at the same time.
So are you ready? Here is our 30-Day Self-Love Challenge. Let’s get rollin’!
The 30-Day Self-Love Challenge
Day 1: Meditate
Start giving yourself a little self-love today by sitting down for at least ten minutes, focusing on your breath, and calming your mind. Meditation practice is believed to be beneficial as it helps reduce stress and increase happiness. Feel better with John Davisi’s 10-Minute Meditation for Beginners.
Day 2: Wear Your Favorite Shirt
What you wear can greatly affect your mood and even your daily performance. All the more if you are in your favorite shirt! Take note: Whenever you feel low, just dress up to boost your mood and amp your performance.
Day 3: Have A Mini Dance Party
Our lives as adults are always about schedules and meeting deadlines that we forget to have a little bit of fun. So, blast some music, dance out your day, and shake off some stress!
Day 4: Drink 2 Liters Of Water A Day
Staying hydrated adds an adequate dose of brainpower and energy to your day. Remember to drink 2 liters of water a day to cleanse toxins from your body, help boost your energy and relieve fatigue.
Day 5: Spend Time With Family
Connect and bond with your loved ones. It is scientifically proven that when you spend time with people you love by cuddling, snuggling, or bonding socially it releases the “love hormone” called Oxytocin. And this hormone helps lower stress and anxiety, builds trust and positive communication.
Day 6: Go To Bed 30-Minutes Earlier
Sleep deprivation is one of the most harmful things we can do to our bodies. It makes us less productive, more irritable, and lose our focus. Set your alarm tonight 30-minutes or an hour earlier than your usual sleeping routine. Decide to treat your body better by getting some quality sleep.
Day 7: Go On Social Media Detox For A Day
Going offline for one day can help you relax a bit and sleep better. It can also help reprioritize your personal forms of interaction and reconnect with your loved ones and free your time up for more important things.
Day 8: Spend Time Alone
Ah! This is something moms really crave and need! Me-Time allows you to take a moment with yourself, it helps you prioritize your needs and wants. It also improves concentration and memory and sparks creativity. Having an “alone-time” can make you more productive and empathetic, hence making you a better person (or a better mom lol).
Day 9: Call Someone You Love
Yas! Communicating the old-fashioned way! Talking on the phone feels extra special because it happens in real-time. And it can strengthen your connection and build intimacy for your special someone.
Day 10: Eat Food That Makes You Feel Happy
Been craving for your favorite food or any “happy food” in a while? Give in to that today. Remember that good food boosts your mood!
Day 11: Try A New Exercise Routine
A little bit of change goes a long way, especially when it comes to fitness. Trying a new workout routine can make you feel less burnout or overbearing—and maybe even add a little excitement to your fitness journey!
Day 12: Rest Physically And Mentally
I know women have a lot going on with their minds and lives, and that for moms, a lot of people are depending on them, but even so, just take at least 15-30 minutes of physical and mental break each day.
Day 13: Write 5 Things You Are Grateful For
One of the best forms of self-love is through gratitude. Writing down things you are thankful for, from the ordinary (your morning cup of coffee or tea or in my case, lemon water) to the more special things (your affectionate relationship with your family), sets you in a more loving state. Being aware of the things you are grateful for, not only lets you feel love for others, but makes you feel more love for yourself as well.
Day 14: Stretch For 10-15 Minutes
As you grow older, your bones become fragile which may lead to injury. Allotting a few minutes a day for stretching helps prevent pain and injury and also improves posture and range of motion which is beneficial to your health.
Day 15: Ask For Help
Although you are one helluva tough boss mom or boss babe, admit that you still need help sometimes. Learn to ask for it because the people surrounding you may not know you need one.
Day 16: Listen And Sing Your Heart Out To Your Favorite Song
Music really does soothe the soul, which your brain and body will likely follow. So let the music take control and sing your heart out to your favorite feel-good tunes!
Day 17: Write A List Of Short-Term Goals
Setting goals make you feel motivated and give you something to look forward to. And writing these goals down makes it more tangible and within your reach. So start with short-term goals as they are simple and easy to accomplish and an excellent way to create your momentum.
Day 18: Declutter Your Desk Or Closet
Another essential part of the 30-day self-love challenge is organizing your life. Start with something small like your desk or closet and declutter that space today. Decluttering brings peace and gives you room to clear your mind and focus more on yourself. Remember that a messy space can lead to a messy mind – and we do not want that!
Day 19: Catch Up With Your Girlfriends
March is Women’s Month, so we are going a little extra to cherish and empower the women in your life! Connect and catch up with your galpals or female family, and have a fabulous day filled with self-love! There is nothing so empowering as a woman tribe who supports and takes care of each other.
Day 20: Take Three Deep Breaths
Take 3 deep breaths upon waking up and before going to sleep. You may think this is simple but it does a lot to our body like reducing stress, relieving pain, improving immunity and digestion, increasing energy, and lowering blood pressure.
Day 21: Buy Yourself Something Nice
Been wanting to buy something but putting it on hold for a long-time? Perhaps a chic bag or shoes you have been eyeing in the mall or online store? This is your sign to buy it! Sometimes, self-love equates to buying something nice for yourself. Have something that will make you feel empowered and happy. (You can thank me later.) But do also take note that there are a ton of ways to treat yourself without breaking the bank.
Day 22: Take A Power Nap
Who says that power naps are just for kids? Research shows that taking a mid-day sleep or “power nap” means you can be more alert, less stressed, improve cognitive functioning, better reaction time, hence, better health, and better you.
Day 23: Compliment Someone
Giving compliments has a mood-lifting impact and contributes to people’s well-being – not only to the receiver but also to the giver. This also helps you to appreciate more all the good things around you.
Day 24: Take A Long Shower Or Bath
A long shower or bath can help you unwind after a long, stressful day. A warm, long shower or bath is the best option! Amp it up by putting scented candles around you or adding essential or carrier oils to your usual bath routine.
Day 25: Have A Home Spa Day
Having a spa day at home does not mean that you have to renovate your space into a luxurious wellness spa. It can be as simple as popping on a beauty mask or having your partner do the massage work for you. And who knows if this works, you can turn this into a Sunday Self-Care ritual!
Day 26: Spend Some Time Outside
Spend at least 15 minutes outside, – breathing in the fresh air, the rain, the sunlight, the snow, or whatever else the sky is offering you today. Soak it all in and connect with nature.
Day 27: Watch A Movie Or Series
Watching a movie or series is one of the leisure activities that you can also learn something new from. It will not only let you have some time to relax and take a break, but it will also help in releasing negative energy by experiencing different emotions through it and by inspiring or motivating you as its viewers.
Day 28: Remember A Good Memory
Today, let’s take a trip down to memory lane – the good and nostalgic ones. Reminiscing past experiences, especially the positive ones, can help keep your mind focused and more disciplined and can instantly lift your mood. So, go ahead, recall and relive those valuable and cherished memories that were once long kept and hidden.
Day 29: Read A Good Book
Is there a book that you have been meaning to read but had no time to do so? This is your chance! Grab that book, cozy up, and tune out the rest of the world.
Day 30: Write Down Your Thoughts
Hooray for your Final Challenge day! And now for the final leg, Focus on your thoughts about everything – your life, relationships, work, and others you can think of. Include this self-love challenge you’ve just completed if you want to and then write these all down – just letting your thoughts flow. This activity gives you a chance to know more about yourself and provides an opportunity to acknowledge and have a relationship with your thoughts and feelings.
The 30-Day Self-Love Challenge: Challenge Completed!
First, I would like to congratulate you on making it this far! Woohoo! Once you have completed this challenge, I want you to contemplate how it changed the way you see and value yourself now. Which activities helped you the most? What things did you enjoy the most and do you want to continue doing? What are the new things you have discovered about yourself?
You may also want to visit which areas that you still need to work on, to improve, to do, or to rather stay the same.
Remember that this is just the first step in giving yourself a little extra loving. Self-love is about making the time, even if it means only just a couple of minutes, for yourself. And know for a fact that the time and love you pour yourself is something that you truly deserve. As a woman, whether you are a single woman, a wife, a mom, a sister, a daughter, or whatever role you are playing, you are worthy of all the good things, – the time and the love, from the people around you and most especially from yourself.
So take your time, rest, recharge, and come back even stronger.♥ Happy International Women’s Day! 👩🏻👩🏽👩
P.S. I have a Special Freebie to all the beautiful women out there! Get your 2022 Digital/Printable Calendar here!